NEW: 'Belly Button Piercing' (YES/NO) in the 'Outfit Room' screen. If NO, they wont be fucking her right away, even if she is a nymph, naked, horny or drunk, so you need to talk to them first. NEW: 'Toads Able to Fuck her immediatelly' (YES/NO) in the options. If YES, Peach will be totally clean only by stepping by, then exiting the checkpoint showers or the bath, like in her bath (castle), Toadella bath (castle), the bath in 9-1 and in Daisy's bedroom (level 2-7). NEW: 'Auto Clean Cum' when leaving showers (YES/NO) in the options. You need to beat the airship of world 6 to access it (or use the cheat then go to the bunker to head to world 7). Mario will be there until levels are made.

Thank you for all who voted! The consequences are below! Update 2.3.11 (21th February 2015) - IN PROGRESS - NEW: Worldmap 7 (already accessible) with its unicque music. Like said in the other post above, I might rest more and play the game slowly and with more attention in order to find bugs and to prepare myself to make 'worldmap 7' and the Wario/Petey Piranha art in the weekend. Cosmetic fix and improvements, like a smoother 'peach sleeping animation if she is not moved ', 'internal boob renaming' and externalization of 'buttons' code in the outfit Screen, inventory code optimization and adjust in the 'butt' color when Tanned Peach is showing her butt to us (while kneeling). BUG FIX: If in outfit room, when pressing ENTER to go to "Panic Screen", then exit to map and enter on level, or just cancel, Peach was acquiring the last selected outfit. BUG FIX: Certain galleries STILL not unlocking after saving the game while all scenes are played, then loading the game again. BUG FIX: Fire Peach having big aureolaes (even if not set big in the options) and a nipple was pink instead of brown. Glitch Fix: When pushing "down" + "left" and "right" keys (while Peach is crouching), the shackles (chainballs) appears in. Glitch Fix: Peach with 'tanline' boobs, even without a tanline in the rest of her body.

Glitch Fix: Morton not penetrating her asshole (in the latest scenes before sleeping), even with Anal on. Now Charlieton might not appear in certain days in Toad Town. NEW: The current princess character can be changed in the OUTFIT screen (in the pause menu) if cheats are on. Not all pictures have this button (right now, only for Goomba and Wiggler ones). NEW: Descriptive text for Achievement pictures (you can unleash the fantasy of the erotic scene by reading the text - Button 'Describe it' in UPPER-RIGHT corner. Dirty Monkey), in the options screen! - NEW: New Achievement Pictures! Wiggler, Boo and Piranha (by Tripflip!) Peach has to fuck all of their scenes first! Beware, for piranhas you also need to fuck 'piranha-like' creatures, like Nippers (those 'pacman like pink one'). UPDATES tonight: - NEW: You can return to the former Peach Portrait style (from T.