Go to the area and you’ll need to look for a piece of paper. Rockstar will make things a little bit easier by giving you a rough location by adding a circle area on the mini-map.

It’s completely random every single time. The problem is, there are twenty different pictures and locations which you could be sent. When you open the email you’ll be given your first clue for the treasure hunt, which will come in the form of a black and white picture of a random location in Los Santos. When online free mode is started again, players will receive a new clue and location regardless of the players previous progress. However, it’s worth noting that if players exit Online Mode or close the game after you start the treasure hunt, the entire mission will reset. Players won’t be able to start the GTA Online Treasure Hunt for the Double-Action Revolver until they receive a random email from So keep an eye on your iFruit for a special in-game email containing the first clue to kick start the mission. How To Start The GTA Online Treasure Hunt If you’re curious about how to get your hands on this exclusive weapon read on for a complete guide, including all the Treasure Hunt Locations you’ll need to track down. “Rumors of a lost relic from the frontier have begun to surface, and treasure awaits those bold enough to seek it” Rockstar teased. The reward for completing this new secret GTA Online mission is the Double-Action Revolver, a new gun in homage to Rockstar’s rootin’-tootin’ new cowboy adventure. It arrives as part of the games Doomsday Heist update, and added a type of ‘ Treasure Hunt‘ as a new mission for players to undertake. Prior to the release of Red Dead Redemption 2 Rockstar Games released a very special new update to GTA Online.